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Learning Modules

Expand your leadership skills with these practical and easy-to-apply learning modules. Each module explores a key business theme or practice, and provides you with a clear pathway to effective action and improvement. New learning modules will be regularly added... so remember to visit this web page again.

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Latest Learning Modules

Learning Module: 10 Skills For The Future Workforce

In the 20th century, leaders identified goals for their organisation, described the jobs required to meet those goals, and hired people with the... READ MORE

Learning Module: An Essential Guide To SWOT Analysis

SWOT analysis was the product of a decade of research at the Stanford Research Institute between 1960-1970. By the late-1950s, many American... READ MORE

Learning Module: Authority - How To Write A Book That Boosts Your Business

The Internet has changed the entire buying process, and it affects you. In the past, when a customer wanted to buy something important - whether it... READ MORE

Learning Module: 9 Keys To Improving Competitiveness Through Lean

If you've been thinking about introducing Lean but aren't sure where to start or you've attempted to introduce Lean previously, this Learning Module... READ MORE

Total 65 articles in this section.
Pages: Previous 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . [5]

Learning Module: Managing Across The Generations

By Karen Schmidt, Let's Grow!

Welcome to a workplace with multiple generations! Builders, Baby Boomers, Generation X and Gen Y are what we're calling them. I'm sure you will recognise these terms and will have seen the effect these different generations are having on the workplace.

Learning Module: Maintaining Passion, Enthusiasm, Motivation & Momentum

By Charles B Kovess, Australasia's Passion Provocateur©

“Engaged” is the current and popular management word to describe these enthusiastic, positive and passionate employees, where extra discretionary effort is a normal part of their jobs. The problem is that only one in five employees display these attributes.

Learning Module: Decision Making


When are managers called on to make decisions? Some may answer: "All day, every day". And it would be difficult to disagree with such a response. From the moment we start work, managers have to make decisions about "who" is going to do "what", "when" they are going to do it and "how" they are going to do it.

Learning Module: Direct Marketing

By Frank Chamberlin, Action Words

There have been countless examples through the years that have proved that if you do direct marketing right, it can create fantastic value for your organisation.

Learning Module: Workforce Segmentation - How To Segment Your Workforce & Identify Critical Roles

By Colin Beames, WRDI Institute

Not everyone is equal! Not all employees possess knowledge and skills of equal strategic importance. They differ in their potential to add value, and in what they expect from work.

Total 65 articles in this section.
Pages: Previous 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . [5]
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