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IIDM CPD provides both formal and informal learning opportunities - IIDM Knowledge Units focus on key challenges using the resources on the IIDM website.

Leaders are delusional if they think they no longer need any development or coaching once they reach the C-suite. When leaders get complacent - feeling too comfortable in the top job - their successes decline rapidly. - David Brookmire, Corporate Performance Strategies

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IIDM Knowledge Units

Find out how IIDM CPD using IIDM Knowledge Units works

How IIDM CPD Using IIDM Knowledge Units Works

IIDM CPD provides an informal learning pathway through IIDM Knowledge Units. IIDM Knowledge Units focus on topics common to most business people and brings together a variety of resources, in various formats, from content published on the IIDM website. 

IIDM Knowledge Units

IIDM Knowledge Units

Review all the IIDM Knowledge Unit titles, including Innovation Principles, Improving Customer Relationships, Generational Management, High Performance Leadership, Time Management and many others.

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