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The CEO Institute is pleased to offer Michael Page International's staff and clients
a FREE PREMIUM subscription to

Retail value of  over $190 per annum - but available to you at no cost - register TODAY! 

CEO Online is a 24/7 global centre of learning, with an expansive research library, providing the latest in management development and thought leadership from around the world.

CEO Online was developed in association with The CEO Institute, and is a proven business resource used by the business community in Australia to help achieve business success.

Designed for the time-poor business person, gives you the opportunity to:

  • Apply the knowledge you acquire from our extensive library of articles that explore over 55 business topics
  • Learn proven techniques and skills to overcome obstacles to your business success - even in tough times
  • Expand your business and management skills with our Learning Modules, which provide a clear pathway to effective action and improvement
  • Tap into current business issues, leading surveys and reports
  • Discover thought-provoking tips, ideas and strategies for your professional develolpment
  • Read Case Studies of entrepreneurs tackling every-day business challenges. Discover how they overcame the obstacles to their business success - and how you can too
  • Seek and share ideas and opinions with the CEO Online peer community
  • Test your business skills playing the fun business game Who wants to be a CEO?, and try to beat the top score!
  • 37 titles in our library of interview-style audio seminars with leading business specialists who share their knowledge and experience

These resources are all designed to enhance management and leadership skills, build competitive advantage and improve business performance.

Discover practical solutions that address some of these business challenges:

    • Motivating or retaining staff
    • Managing during a downturn

  • Making teams more effective
  • Conflict resolution
  • Succession planning
  • Business growth and performance
  • Leadership and management styles or attributes
  • Workplace culture and change
  • International commerce
  • Strategic and business planning
  • Marketing and customer relations
  • Health and wellbeing
  • Negotiating and influencing skills
  • Developing leadership skills

5 quick and easy steps to register:

  1. Go to or click on Join Now!
  2. Scroll down to SUBSCRIPTION TYPE, and select OTHER | SPECIAL OFFER from the drop-down menu
  3. When prompted for the SPONSOR ID, enter michaelpage in lower-case alpha-letters
  4. Click CONTINUE to go to the registration screen. Enter your details
  5. Click SUBMIT
  6. That's it! You can login straight away and an email will be sent confirming your login details.
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