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Video Seminar: Becoming The Leader Others Will Follow

By Shelley Flett
Employees today want a leader who is inspiring, cares about people and is interested in growth and development. This means, as a leader, you must be intentional in your actions and be aware of what’s going on around you, rather than simply doing what’s automatic. One must not come at the expense of the other. For new leaders in particular, the concept of finding a balance between people and task can become overwhelming. In this interview we talk to the author of The Dynamic Leader, Shelley Flett, who shares the importance of leaders nurturing relationships as well as driving performance. She shares opportunities for leaders to improve how they engage, enable and influence along with the importance of holding both yourself and others accountable to commitments.

Extract: What’s The Biggest Challenge For New Leaders Today?

Video Seminar: Shelly Flett

About Shelley Flett

Shelly Flett  Melbourne-based Shelley Flett is an expert in leadership and team performance, with over a decade of experience in operations and call centres across banking and telecommunications. She is focused on maximising efficiency and building high performance team cultures. Shelley works with leaders and business owners to improve individual productivity, and within organisations to assist with better staff retention, engagement and customer satisfaction. When she’s not working, Shelley enjoys spending time with her family outdoors and riding her motorbike. The Dynamic Leader is her second book.

Contact Details

Shelly Flett  Phone: +61 407 522 888
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