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Video Seminar: The Five Values For Business Success

By Mark Carter
The word ‘value’ is at the core of many conversations around you - whether in personal life, in the community or in business. ‘Value’ is at the heart of all decision-making and personal choices and determines our effectiveness and impact in the world. ‘Add Value’ provides a framework that, for businesses, allows them to unify mission, vision and values into core aspects that help deliver overall business success: customer experience, employee experience, ethical business, corporate social responsibility, sales practices or desired leadership traits and skills.

Extract: How Can Businesses Harness Talent Individuality Towards Collective Culture?

Video Seminar: Mark Carter

About Mark Carter

Mark Carter  Mark Carter is an international keynote speaker, trainer and coach. He has over 20 years’ experience as a global learning and development professional. He’s worked across multiple verticals and leading businesses developing learning capabilities and frameworks for critical pillars including: onboarding, leadership, culture, sales and operations. Mark is accredited in a variety of recognised tools for leadership, people and behaviour. He’s also custom built a unique learning management system from scratch and exceptionally experienced incorporating virtual and hybrid programs. His TEDxCasey talk ‘Paws and Effect: how teddy bears increase value perception was the movie trailer for his latest book Add Value.

Contact Details

Mark Carter  Phone: +61 417 400 712
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