The world is filled with good products and good companies. So it becomes very difficult to distinguish yourself in the marketplace by merely advertising your quality products or efficient service. Just about everybody else can make that same claim.
An alarming statistic! In 2022, the Pandemic gave way to ‘The Great Resignation’ as the leading workforce trend. In that same year, two major surveys reported the pivotal role that managers play in making that resignation rate a reality.
One of the big issues that has percolated to the top of most leader's wish lists is how to keep good people. They worry about what they need to do to encourage their high performers to stay and at the same time, improve the performance of low performers.
Creating a healthy and thriving team environment starts by understanding the values of your team members. Values underpin how a person feels, thinks and behaves, and they can sometimes be challenged in the workplace. This is particularly so when a team member feels a disconnect between their values and those of the team (and organisation).
One of the greatest challenges for all businesses right now is retention of their people - and at costs the business can afford - and being able to attract new people.
It has always been challenging to recruit strong talent. Recruitment is time consuming and can be very expensive, especially if you get it wrong and have a high turnover rate. However this year, the challenges are intensified because the demand for talent far outweighs the supply. Job vacancies are surging, especially in the private sector and it’s very hard to find someone with an actual heartbeat let alone good talent to sit down and have a conversation with!
Do people shed tears in your leadership team meetings? I imagine it’s unusual, or even unheard of, in your team. But should it be like that?
As our vast world continues to shrink into a global village, we are more frequently faced with culturally nuanced situations. Acquiring the knowledge, skills and experience necessary to manoeuvre effectively in multicultural environments is increasingly important. Especially in this time of restricted travel where we reduced to less-than-ideal communication channels; cultivating cross cultural understanding is key.
How do we boost employee engagement when we are forced to endure remote working? The secret is in one aspect of human dynamics that isn’t changing: human biochemicals. First, let’s look at what is affecting workplace happiness.
Life as we know it has changed significantly in the last few months. We are no longer able to keep our worlds of work and family separate, having had the two brought together in the most unorthodox way.
A great organisational culture is something everyone wants, yet leaders often find it hard to engage people in culture change programs. So why aren't employees supporting the idea of improving their culture?
Have you conducted a culture assessment in your organisation? How would you rate the morale and the current attitudes of your workforce? Do you feel as though your teams are living your company values and aligned with its goals? As leaders we are all aware of the importance of a healthy and thriving company culture, so it is no surprise that analysing the inner workings of your culture can be a daunting process.
Whether it's embracing new ways of thinking, adopting new ways of working, or understanding an unfamiliar process or system, learning is crucial to improving performance in any role. As the pace of technology escalates, and the average time in the workforce extends, career-long learning is imperative.
A recent study on the American workplace highlighted the single greatest thing you can do to increase employee engagement: hire the right managers. In fact, the study said that if you hire a manager who is disengaged, the work group they manage is three times more likely to be disengaged.
Retention. Attrition. Turnover. These are attention-getting words today. It costs too much and is too difficult to find and hire good people, that finally employee turnover is having its day. It’s about time.
A Fresh Approach To Leading Today's Sales Teams
7 Types Of Self-care That Every Business Leader Should Be Mindful Of
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