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IIDM Corporate Subscription



Inspire your workforce to INNOVATE and succeed!

Give your organisation the chance to use relevant, leading-edge, best practice resources - including Learning Modules, Expert Articles, Book Extracts, Video Seminars and more.

An IIDM Corporate Subscription gives your whole organisation access to  professional development resources that encourage innovation and growth.

View a sample of IIDM premium locked content:

Peter Williams, Deloitte

Sign up for a Corporate Subscription to watch other Video Seminars and read Case Studies from organisations such as:


  Low monthly investment

An IIDM Corporate Subscription entitles you to register an unlimited number of subscribers at the low cost of:

  • US$30.00 per month (GST included if applicable)
Top CEO Issues derived from conversations of leading CEOs
Monthly Newsletters allowing all employees to stay on track of their professional development

Responsive website design allowing learning resources to be accessed 24/7 on any device

“IIDM not only helps you become a manager - it helps good managers become better. No matter what your current role is, or how long you’ve been in business, you need to stay razor sharp to remain competitive. Especially in today's volatile global market, building on your knowledge and skill will give you the flexibility and agility you need to make the most of every opportunity" - IIDM Member

Enhance your team members' business skills, grow their individual capacity - and that of your business!


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