Like many entrepreneurs, Michelle Bourke discovered the hard way the perils of hiring someone who just simply is not the right fit for the company culture.
Kym Williams, Managing Director of BRS Results, focuses heavily on the culture within his business consulting company. Aside from its effectiveness, "it would be a bit like a mechanic who doesn't service his own car," he says. "You have to practice what you preach."
Diane Costa, Managing Director of Marketing Mechanics, recently learned a valuable lesson within her business. A senior staff member resigned, and the chance for someone to fill the leading role emerged.
Allowing work teams to decide how to spend their training budgets, and providing staff with a $3000 referral bonus help keep the head count growing at a global engineering firm.
Talent2 has to work hard at keeping its Gen X, Gen Y and baby boomers all happy - and keen to stay. Its attrition rate is half the industry average.
Finding and keeping five-star staff in an isolated mountain village posed a big problem for an upmarket regional resort. It was time for creativity ...
A call-centre business just keeps on winning Employer of the Year awards thanks to its policy of eliminating the enemies of engagement.
Buying into a business while trying to complete a university degree was a big step. But that was just the start of a steep learning curve.
Despite unprecedented demand for tradespeople across Australia, a regional trade services business with 48 staff had a 100% staff retention rate last year.
A start-up Melbourne ad agency began dealing with staff retention issues before it even started business. Here is how to become an employer of choice.
In an industry with more vacancies than good people to fill them, a consulting firm had to take urgent action to retain its good staff - and attract new ones.
A financial services staff recruiter has many tips on employing good staff but the main one is for senior managers to beware of delegating the hiring role.
A Fresh Approach To Leading Today's Sales Teams
7 Types Of Self-care That Every Business Leader Should Be Mindful Of
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