Just recently, I was out to lunch with the founders and owners of a business. We were happily chatting about all things business until they produced their glossy, corporate brochure with a flourish; their vision statement read: "connecting people... to solutions".
If I offered free tickets for you and members of your management team to a presentation given by an acknowledged world authority on each of the following topics, which presentation would you attend? The only criterion is that you would select the topic that would have the most potential to improve your organisation's overall performance. You can only go to one of them.
Your vision describes where your business wants to head in future years; your corporate values tell the story of how you want to engage with each other as you enable that vision; and your strategic objectives detail what specific short-term targets you want to achieve.
There is no one factor that stands above all others when it comes to great execution. However, given that, for any organisation, there are a limited number of business strategies available, the ability to execute - and to execute better than your direct competitors - is fundamental to remaining in business and achieving a competitive advantage.
If we think of our organisation as a dress shop what would be its purpose? Are we here to sell clothes? Are we running a supply chain? Or are we delivering a return to shareholders? All these things are essential but they don’t explain why my shop is different from yours, why an investor will give me money rather than you or why an employee will shine in the service of my product. Perhaps most importantly these kinds of answers won’t explain why a customer will walk into my shop and buy something and keep coming back.
In business, your success is largely determined by your focus. If you have clarity of focus, your action is purposeful and you will more easily achieve what you set out to do. Your focus will determine whether you thrive, survive or perish.
Ethics, culture, values. These words are often used to describe, manage and communicate something that we feel is unique about our company. But how do you build ethics into the DNA of your business?
Most organisations have a set of values. Sometimes they are displayed in frames on walls. Often they'll be on the website or in the annual report or corporate plan.
These goal-setting tips are based on neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) to help make your goals more lively, fun, and effective!
A successful business vision is the ultimate carrot to steer your life’s work by. It should be aspirational and inspiring. Are you inspired by your business’ current vision? Do you get a 'wow!' feeling from it? Does it bring tears to your eyes?!
So many people still ask me what the secret to successful goal setting is, so I thought I’d share with you one of the basic principles of goal setting.
Set a clear and achievable vision for your company by avoiding these 5 mistakes.
This article focuses on the challenge of cascading a vision in a meaningful way throughout organisations. Vision is the desired future state of the organisation, communicated in a way that creates a persistent and vivid image that channels organisational resources and energy.
It is never too early or late to kick-start and re-align the direction of your team to achieve the results that you deserve. Use this approach to discover how you can enjoy consistent improvement over the long-term future.
Living these unchanging principles in ever-changing ways is one of five keys essential to unlocking the door to your remarkable workplace.
A Fresh Approach To Leading Today's Sales Teams
7 Types Of Self-care That Every Business Leader Should Be Mindful Of
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