Organisations are not 'things' in and of themselves. The are made of people - individuals - who in the end must change their behavior collectively for a given change initiative to be successful. Therefore it makes sense to have an overview of the psychology of change management as people move through the various stages of change.
As a leader, supporting your people through change can feel relentless. It is often exhausting and frustrating.
Change fatigue is the sense of apathy or resignation people feel when facing what they perceive as too much organisational change.
When it comes to learning new skills we need to make it easy for our people to embed them into the workplace. While people are not robots and cannot be automated, having a strategy and a process for the change to become a natural rhythm is not only possible, it's essential.
Managing a change initiative through to a successful conclusion is fraught with pitfalls. Here are three key change management techniques that help make the road to your desired conclusion far easier to navigate.
A big part of a change leader's job is understanding how and why people do what they do in order to influence that behaviour. We craft strategies and plans, and write fancy presentation packs and develop training plans. But there is more to the story.
One of the interesting things about human beings is that most of us are creatures of habit. We like doing the same things, even if our choices are not always taking us in a good direction.
Many business leaders think that the great majority of people with a reputation for being ‘difficult’ are capable of change. They may not get there easily, but change is possible. However, there are some individuals who simply refuse to change or have significant barriers which limit their ability to change.
A friend of mine was recently part of an organisational restructure that involved painful redundancies, changed responsibilities, and completely different ways of working. As you can imagine, the scale of the changes were quite significant. But having survived the redundancies, they decided to make the best of it.
While most headlines regarding demergers focus on the financial implications, such as impact on shareholders, the element that is equally important is the operational aspects of how an entity splits itself.
There is always an emotional component to change, and personal experience will tell anyone this is true. There have been changes in your life you were excited about, and those where your emotions were less positive. Yet generally speaking, organisations act as if the data and facts will rule the day with any change.
Whether as a leader responsible for implementing change, or just as an individual looking at the change that comes at us regularly, these five keys will help you to successfully adapt to the change you will inevitably face. This article aims to provide you with a broader perspective in which to place any change within the context of your life.
We all deal with change in the workplace from time to time and while textbook change management tactics can help show us the external actions we must take to guide organisational change, there are internal demands we cannot delegate away.
Change is going to happen in your professional life. No doubt about it. Some change is poorly conceived, ineffectively managed, and/or insanely implemented. The most successful leaders understand and implement the strategies outlined in this article, that turn resistance to change into resilience to change.
The only worthwhile change is that which creates value for all stakeholders. But even if the results of the change programme are positive, we need to be careful that our change initiatives do not cost more than the value they create. Discover five steps that will help you avoid paying more for your change than the benefits accrued.
A Fresh Approach To Leading Today's Sales Teams
7 Types Of Self-care That Every Business Leader Should Be Mindful Of
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