If you speak to most people, they will tell you that they feel as if are on a permanent rollercoaster they can’t get off. The pace of modern business and the related stress that comes from facing constant change and disruption is turning many into the worst version of themselves - commanding, overwhelmed and distracted. And it’s not letting up anytime soon. And it’s not just a public-sector thing.
We all know that Kryptonite is Superman’s biggest weakness and brings him quickly to his knees starting with a drain on his energy and strength. For directors, leaders and managers; lack of time space and capacity is like kryptonite to your leadership. Creating thinking space is your anti-kryptonite.
Far from a passing fad, collaborating is an increasingly critical undertaking in most workplaces. Collaboration gets strategy executed, products to market, client needs met and goals achieved. High quality collaboration leads to better levels of problem solving, innovation and transformation. It also builds a culture of connectedness and sense of belonging to the collective purpose of the organisation. We become ‘in it together’ rather than in ‘it for me’.
Your inner-critic is the negative self-talk, that is often an unspoken conversation you have with yourselves that is negative. Negative self-talk is uninvited and unwanted thinking, which can negatively impact belief in our skills and abilities to perform.
Leaders have faced unrelenting pressure during the pandemic as they juggle the economic and psychological impact on themselves as well as those in their teams. This has meant leaders have had to find even greater resilience, and new ways to adapt to uncertainty and unexpected change. We need more happy, healthy leaders at all levels of all industries and professions if we wish to survive. It’s that critical.
Most leaders don’t know how to effectively delegate. They assume that telling someone to do something will achieve the results they want and are often disappointed. Often resulting in the leader completing the task themselves. When they need to delegate another task in the future, they often continue this pattern. By just asking someone to do something this is delegating at the highest level of delegation and will often fail until you have worked together long enough to understand how each other works.
Whether you like it or not, you are creating a legacy. As a leader, how you are remembered, talked about, admired, or even despised is a reflection of your behaviour.
Trying to work in a high performing team environment has been incredibly challenging over the past few years as the ability to communicate and come together has been significantly reduced.
Innovation isn’t just a trend or a buzzword, it’s crucial for the continuing growth and development of your organisation.
Getting a promotion and moving into a leadership role is a great achievement. For newly appointed leaders, it’s the culmination of a lot of hard work and ambition. It represents the fulfilment of a key career goal.
How we are positioned within our roles directly relates to where each of us, with our unique set of identities and skills, stand in relation to the dynamics of influence and opportunity within the executive level of the business.
CEOs of today are facing responsibilities far greater than ever before - personally and professionally. Not just to lead companies, but decisions that concern communities on a deeper and more personal level than we have ever experienced. All of this in a commercial landscape that is perhaps for most, more volatile than ever.
Does your organisation promote (pitch) its culture as a point of difference to the market, prospective employees and current employees? The intent may be to portray a favourable image, by promoting values like trust, empowerment, and inclusiveness. Perhaps there are banners and other marketing that shares your organisation’s values and purpose.
The fear of change is a major driver of resistance to change and change failure. It’s a human emotional state that takes much more than rational thought and logical persuasion to manage.
We know that the quality of leadership along with the decisions made, can determine the success of a person, team or organisation for better or for worse. And while some experienced leaders are able to make high quality decisions based on intuition and data, all leaders now must seek consensus and collaboration from their people so they can collectively make the best decisions for unchartered times.
A Fresh Approach To Leading Today's Sales Teams
7 Types Of Self-care That Every Business Leader Should Be Mindful Of
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